combine LHA
Lead a collaborative effort to transform the combine’s Left Hand Area (LHA) into more simplified, seamless experience.
The vehicle indicator located on the Left Hand Area (LHA) of the display has been recognized as a crucial reference point for the combined display, as part of its legacy. The current vehicle silhouette indicator displays numerous statuses, alarms, and errors, which can potentially overwhelm the user with the amount of information presented.
Based on user feedback, it was determined that the LHA was overpopulated with too much information for the user to process at a glance. The vehicle silhouette illustration was confusing and contained far too much information to analyze. Based on the feedback, the vehicle was recreated using a 2D effect. The alarms and errors have been moved to different parts of the display, and the vehicle will only show different states.
Multiple research activities were undertaken to ascertain the user's expectations regarding LHA. The research team's objective was to discover the following:
What is the essential information that the user must have constant visibility of?
Is it critical to have visibility of statuses, alarms, and errors within a vehicle image all at the same time?